David Gamble

David Gamble joined the Kansas City Symphony as third horn in September 2012. A native of Texas, he received his bachelor’s degree from Boston University with magna cum laude distinction. Prior to joining the orchestra, Gamble spent more than four years working in Beijing, China. During his time abroad, he performed as principal horn and was featured as a soloist with the Beijing Symphony. He was then invited to play associate principal horn with the National Center for the Performing Arts Orchestra in its inaugural season. In addition to his orchestral work, Gamble also was active in the studio recording industry, soloing in numerous movies, radio and TV productions, including music for the 2008 Beijing Olympics and 2010 Asian Games in Guangzhou. Music performances have taken him throughout Europe with the Beijing Symphony and to Japan as a fellow for the Pacific Music Festival. His primary instructors have included Eric Ruske and William VerMeulen.
I grew up buzzing on a trumpet mouthpiece, as that was my older brother’s instrument. I suppose I wanted to go a different route and ended up with the one that looked way cooler and more complicated. The bell can come off? You get to use your thumb and it’s left-handed? Sign me up.
Mozart for how easy music-making came to him. Beethoven for creating masterpieces without the benefit of hearing. Brahms for his harmonies/melodies. Mahler for his orchestration of the horn. Sorry, there’s no way that question would have a simple answer.
Vienna. Its classical music scene is second to none. Everywhere you look there is a great concert taking place. The city and its surroundings have so much history behind them.
Having a full-time career as a musician is definitely one of the greatest things I have achieved. Living abroad comes in a close second.
Conducting to old records while using my bed as a podium at age 4. I’m sure I looked completely ridiculous. I think my parents have blackmail videos somewhere.
I come from a very close-knit, musical family. Both of my parents and my two siblings have musical backgrounds. My wife, Lindsay, is a talented musician/educator. We have a beagle, Bailey, who looks after us when we are at home. When not playing the horn, I enjoy grilling, traveling, and spending time outdoors.
My iPhone. If nothing else but to call for help. And ask Siri how to survive on a desert island.
Wheel of Fortune. That seems way easier than Jeopardy!
Fiorella’s Jack Stack Barbecue
Compassion. We all have our moments. It’s how we respond to others that make us who we are.