Fabrice Curtis

Fabrice Curtis joined the Kansas City Symphony as music librarian in July 2012. A native of Kentucky, he received his bachelor’s degree in music education from the University of Kentucky and his master’s degree in music theory from Florida State University. Prior to joining the Kansas City Symphony, he completed coursework and exams for his doctorate in music theory at Florida State University and is currently working on a dissertation examining the fugal compositions of Shostakovich. During his graduate studies, Curtis taught undergraduate courses in written theory and sight-singing. He has remained active as a clarinetist, and he performs whenever time allows. His interest in music librarianship began after working with the librarian of the Tallahassee Symphony Orchestra and realizing how much he enjoys preparing music for performance.
I remember watching “Fantasia” obsessively. I loved the fighting dinosaurs, the dancing ostriches, the walking brooms, and of course the great music.
When I started band as a kid, I didn’t want to play a brass instrument because I thought they were too loud. Of all the woodwinds I tried, I sounded the best on clarinet and so chose that.
“Into the Woods”, Shostakovich’s 24 “Preludes and Fugues”, numerous movie soundtracks, and a lot of Beyoncé
J.S. Bach
Working with great people in an amazing building.
If I could speak Russian I would have dinner with Shostakovich, although we would probably end up just drinking vodka.
My mother is German, and my father is half-German, part Creole, and part Native American. I have a younger sister and brother. I really enjoy origami. I do mostly origami tessellations and modular origami, although I have tried combining my interests in origami and entomology and folded some insects, which are incredibly difficult. I am also an aquarist, and have numerous aquariums housing goldfish, African cichlids, tiger barbs, angelfish, and other tropical fish.
I would be an entomologist, specializing in eusocial insects. Growing up I had numerous ant farms, and even kept termites for a while, until my parents realized what they were.
Savannah, Georgia. Very walkable, great weather and wonderful people. I am a sucker for the old houses, the massive live oaks, and the hanging Spanish moss.